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This is Nishant Dash's implementation of Craig Reynold's Boids. It was created in rust using the Bevy game engine and was compiled to Web Assembly. This was my first project using rust.

What Are Boids?

Boids meant to simulate and model flocking behaviors like birds and fish. There are three simple behaviors that go into achieving this.

  1. Cohesion: Boids try to stay close to surrounding boids by moving the the average position of nearby boids.
  2. Separation: Boids avoid crowding near other boids.
  3. Alignment: Boids move in the average direction of neighboring boids.

Using these three behaviors, we are able to simulate flocking behavior.


Below is a web version of the boids program. View in landscape orientation to get the best experience. You may notice that the boids will start to form groups, similar to what birds do when flocking.

Note: The demonstration may take a moment to appear.

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You can find the source code on my GitHub.

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